
Dismantle 7 childhood blocks to fulfilling your sacred purpose and joy

so you can

unlock the Divine gifts and potential of your soul


... inner child work that ACTUALLY...


Don't get triggered with family during this holiday season.

Join Bestselling Author
Misa Hopkins Live Online
OCT 16


Attend this content-rich $100 masterclass FREE when you register now!

Limited-time replays available to registrants.


During your 1-hour content-rich masterclass you discover...

  • the 7 most common childhood blocks that limit you in fulfilling your soul’s true destiny and joy
  • a proven, gentle approach to healing childhood wounds so you can let go of what's holding you back
  • how to access the spiritual gifts hidden behind the blocks so you can be calm and confident with anyone

I'm living my best years now

"This program has helped me shift fear. I have an underlying calm in life now... so many more moments of pure joy and bliss. Instead of dealing with my feelings, I now honor them and really base a lot of my decisions on intuition. I'm now working on my life purpose and mission with a sense of wonder."

—Nicole B.

I could feel my heart de-armoring

"I was so hurt and could not feel my heart. I was so numbed out and turning to food to feel and fuel the emptiness inside of me. This course really shifted so many things and it has bettered my life in so many ways. I could feel my heart de-armoring. Not only feel but also hear how walls were removing themselves."


Truly a life-changing experience!

"I uncovered things that had been hidden deep within for a long time. I got in touch with my true self and received many insights and profound healing through love and compassion. I became much more spiritually and psychically aware and learned how to tune into the unmet needs of my child at different ages."


About Your Guide

Misa Hopkins is a 6-time bestselling author (Sacred Feminine Awakening series) and a pioneer in feminine consciousness and women’s leadership for over 30 years. She has appeared on TV, film (When Sparks Ignite) and on stages with other conscious luminaries including Deepak Chopra, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Marianne Williamson, and Marci Shimoff.

Misa is the Guardian of a 2,000-year old Sacred Feminine practice to heal the “unhealable” and tap into limitless potential. Her powerful mystical initiations in both feminine and masculine sacred energies have led her to inspire tens of thousands of people around the globe. Misa’s SHE Rising Academy teaches women worldwide to use feminine principles to heal, awaken, create fulfilling relationships and unleash their destinies.


Discover the 7 childhood blocks to your joy and purpose... and how to overcome them!